My children are amazing.
They could not be more different from each other.
My pots are the blackest. (As they should be.)
Today, I will spend a paragraph or two on Ava. My second born. My, as someone else said, strong-willed child. My baby.
When Emma was in utereo I stayed away from the really bad stuff, drank lots of whole milk with ice, and snacked on oreos. Under no circumstances did I consume caffeine.
Ava was another story.
I craved hamburgers, french fries w/ ketchup & mayo, and MOUNTAIN DEW. I did not deny myself. It could not possible have an affect on my unborn child.
Did I mention Ava was due the day Hurricane Katrina arrived on our shores?
I am now the proud owner of a busy, destructive, smart, funny, adorable, barely understandable and very very strong-willed almost 4 year old.
Did I mention funny?
She came in the bathroom (naked as a jay bird) and stuck her tail end out and said "Mama, is my boo e toot?". Which in Ava speak she was asking "Mama, is my booty cute?".
She immediately puts any blame for anything on her big sissy. With that said she adores her Sissy (refuses to call her Emma) and more than anything likes to annoy her. She has Emma pegged and can push her buttons at will.
She insists on being called "Choo-Choo" unless she insists on being called "Baby".
She came within a literal inch of picking up a live mouse the cat was toying with. When we stopped her she was upset and decided to lightly step on the mouse. It squeeked. She loved it and thought it was the funniest thing ever. So, as the cat moved it's toy further and further away she would follow and lightly step to hear the squeek and crack herself up the entire time.
She cannot go through one full day without breaking, tearing, spilling, throwing, writing on, dropping, or just destroying something. (This is the Katrina Effect)
The only time she stops moving is when she is so exhausted she must close her eyes. Just because we put her in bed and turn off the lights and say goodnight does not mean she'll sleep. You can still hear her moving around, singing, talking, and playing.
She does not understand NO! To her it means YES and then when I get in trouble I'll go in for the kill, which is usually with that cheeky grin and soft eyes looking at you while she says "You 2 Mommy" (In Ava speak she is saying "I love you mommy"). Then you forget that she has manipulated you once again.
So, I take responsibility for all her crazy ways. Between the Mountain Dew and Katrina the poor kid never had a chance.
U 2 Ava!
They could not be more different from each other.
My pots are the blackest. (As they should be.)
Today, I will spend a paragraph or two on Ava. My second born. My, as someone else said, strong-willed child. My baby.
When Emma was in utereo I stayed away from the really bad stuff, drank lots of whole milk with ice, and snacked on oreos. Under no circumstances did I consume caffeine.
Ava was another story.
I craved hamburgers, french fries w/ ketchup & mayo, and MOUNTAIN DEW. I did not deny myself. It could not possible have an affect on my unborn child.
Did I mention Ava was due the day Hurricane Katrina arrived on our shores?
I am now the proud owner of a busy, destructive, smart, funny, adorable, barely understandable and very very strong-willed almost 4 year old.
Did I mention funny?
She came in the bathroom (naked as a jay bird) and stuck her tail end out and said "Mama, is my boo e toot?". Which in Ava speak she was asking "Mama, is my booty cute?".
She immediately puts any blame for anything on her big sissy. With that said she adores her Sissy (refuses to call her Emma) and more than anything likes to annoy her. She has Emma pegged and can push her buttons at will.
She insists on being called "Choo-Choo" unless she insists on being called "Baby".
She came within a literal inch of picking up a live mouse the cat was toying with. When we stopped her she was upset and decided to lightly step on the mouse. It squeeked. She loved it and thought it was the funniest thing ever. So, as the cat moved it's toy further and further away she would follow and lightly step to hear the squeek and crack herself up the entire time.
She cannot go through one full day without breaking, tearing, spilling, throwing, writing on, dropping, or just destroying something. (This is the Katrina Effect)
The only time she stops moving is when she is so exhausted she must close her eyes. Just because we put her in bed and turn off the lights and say goodnight does not mean she'll sleep. You can still hear her moving around, singing, talking, and playing.
She does not understand NO! To her it means YES and then when I get in trouble I'll go in for the kill, which is usually with that cheeky grin and soft eyes looking at you while she says "You 2 Mommy" (In Ava speak she is saying "I love you mommy"). Then you forget that she has manipulated you once again.
So, I take responsibility for all her crazy ways. Between the Mountain Dew and Katrina the poor kid never had a chance.
U 2 Ava!

This was Ava helping rake grass. Check out the heels.