Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being Me

Some people are just good at "putting it out there". Me, well, not so much I'm afraid.

Okay, that's a lie. Most of the time I let it all hang out. But sometimes you just can't. Somebody, somewhere will hold it against you. Then before you know it you'll be running for public office and the headline will be that crazy ass blog you used to have back in the day when you actually were telling the truth about your life. So where will you be then? Either heralded for being brave and speaking your mind and letting it all hang out or you'd put a big target on your forehead for those who suggest they are tolerant but really are NOT.

That being said, I will type the truth (unless otherwise denoted). I tend to say the first thing that comes to my mind whether it's appropriate or not. Would you like an example? I knew you would.....

I am Methodist by birth. Now I am Baptist by family & location. Around here the Baptists way out number everyone else. Anyway, Baptist folks tend to be a little more reserved and judgemental...(even though judgemental is a little harsh, i just couldn't come up with a better word for it...I will take suggestions). Plus, I guess it is church, you should be a little reverent. Now to the point. Tim and I had just started going to this particular church. We were at Wednesday night prayer it's a little more casual than Sunday service and not nearly as many people show up. That last point benefits me. The preacher was preaching on men and woman. I can't even tell you exactly what he said that made me think,

"Well, if the woman was naked he would".

As I sat there thinking my thought you could see the suppressed laughter coming from the pews immediately around me and if I did not know better I'd have thought they could read my mind. The preacher gave me a look. But he could not have heard me cause I was just thinking, right? And besides, I'm one of those that sits as far back from the pulpit as possible just in case the preacher decides to look in my direction for one reason or another. Then I get the elbow from the husband sitting next to me and realize I must have thought my thought out loud. That's about the time my blood pressure started to rise and the heat was rising from my toes to the top of my head. Did I just say that? Out loud? Yes I did!

That is pretty much the story of my life. I open my mouth and am never quite sure whats going to come out. I hear "Girl, you're crazy" a lot. Hopefully it's crazy-good and not crazy-bad.

Is there a moral to this story....not really. Just be who you are and try to be as truthful as possible in the process.

PS- 3 Followers!!!

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